Human Centered Economic Development Workshop

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Legacy Event Center, Thief River Falls

10 AM to 3 PM

Featuring Kelly Asche, Research Associate

Center for Rural Policy and Development

We have entered a new era in economic development. Gone are the times in which recruiting jobs to our rural regions were priority. With demographic shifts and the reality that Minnesota is a “slow-growth” state in terms of population, we have now entered an era that we have not experienced before in modern history–mor jobs than people.

This event features a presentation and discussions that will provide an overview of the research conducted by the Center for Rural Policy and Development on what is taking place in rural Minnesota, with the primary theme being “people centered economic development.” To be discussed are the foundational challenges and opportunities associated with providing housing, childcare, promoting our communities as great places to live, and retaining our youth.

Brought to you by Northwest Private Industry Council and sponsored by Career Force, Advance Thief River, Pine to Prairie Cooperative Center, and Northwest Service Cooperative.

About the Center for Rural Policy and Development

The Center for Rural Policy and Development is a non-partisan, not-for-profit policy research organization dedicated to benefitting Minnesota by providing its policy makers with unbiased information and evaluation of issues from a rural Minnesota perspective.

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