Advance Thief River is in the middle of a marketing campaign, promoting the area as a great place to live. The goal is to attract new residents.
“We have growing employers who need skilled people to work for them,” said Michelle Landsverk, Advance Thief River Director. “If our community is going to thrive, we need more people to fill open positions.”
One of Advance Thief River’s goals is to “increase the pool of workforce talent.”
To help meet that goal, Advance Thief River is promoting the quality of life the area affords. Advertisements are currently running in a five-state area, as well as a concentrated effort in the Red River Valley.
The ads feature the 30-second video published by Advance Thief River earlier this year. The video highlights the beauty of the area and is designed to appeal to the 25-45 year demographic.
Midco Communications has run the video throughout their five-state area, a total of 7,880 times over the last three months. The KVLY network is airing the video from October-November.
Advance Thief River is also being featured on North Dakota Today, a live morning show on the KVLY network. Michelle Landsverk, Steve Lillestol, and Teresa Fay will all be making appearances, representing the community, talking about the local economy, the success of the business community, what makes this a great place to raise a family, and the vibrancy of the community.
Michelle Landsverk was featured on North Dakota Today on September 9 and Steve Lillestol on September 23. Teresa Fay will be interviewed on October 7. Additional spots will be on October 21, November 11 and November 25.