Advance Thief River has released a new promotional video, “Our Hearts Will Always Lead Us Home.” The video highlights the features that make the area such a great place to live and raise a family.
The idea of creating a video that promotes living in the community, and pushing the video out through social media channels, was identified as a priority by participants of Thief River Falls Making It Home. More than 100 people participated in these discussions. Subsequently, a social media taskforce was formed to work on the video and social media strategies. The taskforce wanted a compelling video that focused on family life and showed life’s milestones, starting with birth, going through college, and on to family life.
Community engagement was one of the most important outcomes of Thief River Falls Making It Home. Advance Thief River Director, Michelle Landsverk, believes that continued engagement will be important for the video to be successful in recruiting new residents. “We are hoping that people will help us with getting the video out there, so more people can see it,” Landsverk said. “We will put it out on social media channels, but we really need people to share it on their own pages. That makes a huge difference.”
Social media taskforce members included Sean Sorteberg, Rebecca Larson Isaak, Kelsey Brateng, Mariah Hruby, Josh Watne, and Karen Griffin. The taskforce chose a local media company, Full Sail Productions, to produce the video.