New Opportunity for Childcare in Thief River Falls
The Advance TRF Childcare Collaborative is working to retain and increase the supply of quality childcare in the Thief River Falls area. In November of 2022, the Collaborative published a strategic plan with four goals.
One of the goals is to identify potential locations and landlords who would be willing to lease property for delivery of Special Family Childcare services. These services fall under a new set of regulations that took effect July 1, 2022.
These changes allow up to four licensed childcare providers at the same location. Under these regulations, employers, church-based programs, community collaborative and not-for-profit agency programs, and programs operated in a commercial space can provide space for up to four licensed providers.
These programs are licensed under Minnesota Rule 9502. Specific requirements for these programs are found in Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.14, Subd. 4.
The Advance TRF Childcare Collaborative has already begun to identify properties in the community. They are now seeking individuals who want to provide childcare services outside of a home setting.
Persons interested in providing childcare services in a commercial space, and/or as part of a space with up to three other family childcare providers should contact Pennington County licensors for more information.
Landlords interested in leasing property (either residential or commercial) for provision of childcare services are encouraged to contact the Advance TRF Childcare Collaborative to get connected with an interested childcare provider. Call Michelle Landsverk at 218-280-1755.