So Close, Yet So Far Away

So Close, Yet So Far Away

Northwest Minnesota added nearly 10,000 jobs through the third quarter of 2021 in comparison to the third quarter of 2020, bringing it back to 98.6% of pre-pandemic employment levels. That was the strongest over-the-year job recovery of the six planning regions in the...
“Where is the Talent?!”

“Where is the Talent?!”

Developing Public- Private Partnerships is our only chance of retaining talent. After facilitating the Kandiyohi County CEO Program for eight years and witnessing first hand the many positive ripple effects of public and private partnerships, I’ve learned quite...
Success(ion) Planning Business

Success(ion) Planning Business

University of Minnesota Extension Online Course to begin March 3 Prepare your business for what’s next Whether your exit is three years or three decades away, every business owner needs an exit strategy. Don’t let one of the “five D’s” — death, disease,...